CVTPO Launches New Long Range Transportation Data Dashboard
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New dashboard allows easier access and more engagement from the public.

Virginia Employment Commission Hosts Regional Online Job Fair
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Employers from the region provided a safe, online environment to meet with prospective employees.

In Memory of Dr. Paul Harvey, Former Appomattox Mayor
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Dr. Harvey represented the town of Appomattox on the PDC from 2011-2020.

Draft Central Virginia PDC Hazard Mitigation Plan Now Available
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The draft plan identifiies susceiptibilites and hazards in the region and is available for public comment.

GLTC Reinstitutes Sunday Service
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Reinstituting Sunday has been a priority and repeated recommendation for several years and will be funded by the city's CARES Act funding.

CVPDC Thanks Scott Smith for Continued Work in the Region
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CVPDC says goodbye to Scott Smith after more than fourteen years of service.

CVTPO Adopts Long Range Transportation Plan
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The CVTPO adopted the 2045 Long Range Transportation at the September 17 Policy Board meeting.

CVPDC Welcomes New Regional Planner Ada Hunsberger
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Ada Hunsberger joins the CVPDC as a regional planner as primary staff to the CVTPO.

Campbell County to Join Regional Radio System
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Campbell Co. will integrate its public safety radio communications with Lynchburg, Bedford, and Amherst.