New Central Virginia Planning Commission Officer Elections Drive Continued Positive Change
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Contact: Alec Brebner
Executive Director, CVPDC
Lynchburg, VA –Central Virginia Planning District Commission (CVPDC) have elected new officers to serve for the 2023-2024 fiscal year, effective July 01, 2023.

CVPDC Issues New Housing Development Grant Round
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The CVPDC seeks Request for Applications from for-profit and non-profit developers for projects that will increase the inventory of affordable housing units in the region.

First Hilltop Community Revitalization Project House Completed
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The first house of the Hilltop Community Revitalization project has been completed. On March 29th, Cathalia Wright was welcomed into her newly renovated home by a representative of the CVPCD, Jefrado Granger, and a member of the Town of Bedford staff.

CVPDC Awards $773,131 to Support Affordable Housing
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The Central Virginia Planning District Commission (CVPDC) is pleased to announce the award of $773,131 in funding from its Virginia Housing PDC Development Grant to four developers creating affordable housing within our region. This award, along with an earlier $450,000 award to Rush Homes, will create 47 new affordable residential units across the region.

$500,000 EPA Brownfields Grant Awarded
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The CVPDC has received a $500,000 Brownfields Assessment Grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Region 3.

CVPDC Receives Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Grant
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The CVPDC has received a $75,000 from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Planning and Technical Assistance Grant program.

CVPDC to Develop Regional Resiliency Plan
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The CVPDC received a $54,000 Virginia Community Flood Preparedness Fund award from the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), matched by $6,000 local funds, to develop a Regional Resiliency Plan.

CVPDC to Lead Regional Housing Needs Analysis
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The CVPDC, in partnership with Lynchburg City and Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford and Campbell counties, were awarded a $100,000 grant from Virginia Housing Development Authority (Virginia Housing), a leading Commonwealth agency advancing fair and safe housing, to execute a comprehensive data-driven housing study to identify housing needs, gaps, and present program and policy recommendations to encourage development of affordable and diverse housing options throughout the region.

CVPDC Helps Fund New Affordable Housing Development in Lynchburg
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CVPDC has funded a new housing project for Rush Homes, named Florida Terrace.