The Central Virginia Workforce Development Board welcomes Tim Saunders as the new Business Engagement and Outreach Coordinator. 

TSaunders headshotThe Central Virginia Workforce Development Board welcomes Tim Saunders, who will serve as the Business and Community Engagement Coordinator for Virginia Career Works-Central Region. VCW-Central Region is the regional workforce system receiving fiscal support through the Central Virginia Planning District Commission to facilitate workforce development and employment services for the counties of Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford, Campbell and the City of Lynchburg.  Tim joins the Board after working over 15 years in broadcast media.

In his new role, Tim will build awareness of our regional workforce system and the many partners that serve the region.  Additionally, Mr. Saunders will work closely with employers to build effective strategies for meeting industry sector employment needs and develop career pathways leading from middle school through post-secondary training and employment. Tim has been able to move quickly into helping communicate the many changes, services and resources useful for helping citizens and businesses navigate the COVID-19 challenges. He is looking forward to helping to distribute and communicate information that will help residents in the region find careers and training opportunities, as well as using his video production skills to enhance messaging for the Workforce Development Board and the PDC.


Central Virginia Planning District Commission


828 Main Street, 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 845-3491

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